Georgina Neve

Georgina Neve is currently an academic GP trainee in North West London, splitting her time between clinical work at a busy central London GP surgery, and academic work with the Department of Primary Care and Public Health at Imperial College London.

Georgina chose to specialise in General Practice to allow her to develop strong and consistent patient relationships and to work in a diverse and dynamic field. She is passionate about patient and public engagement in healthcare and improving health inequalities.

Her academic interests are in medical education, digital health, paediatrics and child health with a strong focus on the primary and secondary care interface and community collaboration.

She has held leadership positions both locally and nationally and won prizes, including a Certificate of Merit for Outstanding Leadership as an FY1, for her commitment to leadership. She represents London trainees on the National BMA GP trainee subcommittee as well as the London wide LMC. Her specific areas of focus are education and training, flexible working and recruitment to General Practice.

She achieved her MBChB from Bristol Medical School with honours and has an intercalated BSc in Neuroscience (Bristol) and a Masters in Paediatrics and Child Health (Imperial). She has recently completed a PG Cert in University Teaching and Learning (Imperial) to further develop her skills in medical education.

Georgina is passionate about good quality patient care, the NHS and its workforce. Georgina believes there is a lack of leadership training within medical education and feels this needs to change to help address the current NHS crisis. Georgina has been inspired by strong leaders and role models within General Practice and recognises the impact and potential benefits of good leadership.

She has extensive leadership experience from committee roles representing peers and collaborating on international projects and wishes to build on these experiences and develop her leadership skills through undertaking this Fellowship.