Rachel Weaver

Rachel Weaver’s first degree was in Anatomy and Equine Physiology at Bristol University, followed by a PhD studying osteoarthritis at the Royal Veterinary College and University College, London. Following a period working with UCL Business on spin-out companies, Rachel worked on an international joint venture to set up a new cell-culture laboratory and then in clinical trials using SMS and other digital technologies to increase uptake and compliance.

Following a graduate medicine degree at King’s College, London and Academic Foundation training in north-east London, Rachel joined the Academic GP Programme, undertaking a Masters Degree in Primary Care Research at the University of Cambridge as part of her training.

Currently an ST4, prior to undertaking the National Medical Director’s Fellowship Rachel was working as an academic fellow and at a GP practice near Cambridge, having recently finished a placement working on Public Health England’s national guidance unit during the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Rachel’s areas of professional interest include health inequalities and workforce resilience within primary care.