Improving Leadership and Management Training in your area

Why is change needed?

A recurring theme during The Big GP Consultation was that the next generation of GPs do not feel well-prepared for the job of a modern-day GP. This lack of feeling comfortable leads to stress, to burnout, and ultimately, to leaving the profession.

One of the key areas where early career GPs felt unprepared was that of leadership and management. Improving training in this area will not only increase the comfort of GPs with the modern-day job, but will also likely have a positive impact on retention.

The Developing the Future GP Workforce section of the Final Report lists the specific areas of leadership and management training that early career GPs would like more exposure to.

How can I change this?

Training Hubs were set up by HEE as a ‘go to’ place for any information about primary care workforce, education and development. They work to address local needs. In many areas, these are well-established, and are always looking for ways to tailor what they offer to the needs of their area.

Training Hubs are very well placed to deliver training in leadership and management. In some areas, they do so already. These may take the form of:

One-off skills development sessions

A more comprehensive leadership development programme

Shadowing of, and mentoring from, local leaders

Online eLearning resources

How do I get started?

A good first step would be to identify your local Training Hub. The easiest way to do this is through using the map on this page.

You can also try Googling “[Area name] Training Hub,” as many Training Hubs will have their own website. An example of a Training Hub website can be found here: Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Training Hub

You may then want to strike up a conversation with your Training Hub about leadership and management training for GPs – whether they currently offer this, and how it might be improved based on the findings of The Big GP Consultation.

Below, you can download a template email that you can edit and send to your local Training Hub.

Download Template Email

What are my next steps?

These are all steps that The Big GP Consultation Team would be very happy to support you with. Please do email us with a summary of your plans, and how we may be able to help, and we’ll be back in touch with you as soon as possible.


…your local Training Hub.


…your training hub to discuss provision in your area.


…your allies. Who else do you know who has an interest in improving leadership and management training in the area, who may support you with this? You may wish to partner with somebody on this work.


…your ideas on what this training could look like, through speaking to colleagues and exploring what other areas do in this space.

How could I take this further?

Next Generation GP is a programme that aims to energise, engage and empower the next generation of GP leaders. The programmes run locally, and generally consist of six sessions. These sessions combine a mix of interviews with inspiring leaders, and leadership skills development. The programmes are often led by local GPs and trainees.

There may be an upcoming programme in your area that you want to participate in. If not, you may want to get together with like-minded leaders in your area to lead a programme of your own. In many areas, your Training Hub may be able to support with this too.

To ask what is happening in your area, to ask about how you may get involved in leading a programme, or to simply be put in touch with like-minded leaders in your area, get in touch with the Next Generation GP team using the button below. 

Email the Next Generation GP Team